Monday, July 25, 2016

Vetting done, next comes briefing the next President of the United States of America, The Exceptional and Indespensible Nation on Earth.

What if

LBJ met with crime kingpins says his mistress.

Donald Trump presumably has been vetted by the FBI and given Top Secret clearance. I'm wondering what would happen were the FBI to deny Top Secret clearance to a presidential candidate?  Did Bernie Sanders get Top Secret clearance? 

When I got drafted into the United States Army in 1967 I refused to answer the questions posed to me on the mandatory Loyalty Oath questionaire. In a case of one hand not knowing what the other hand was doing I was brought several times to the Military Intelligence located in downtown Columbia, South Carolina where I'd accept a cigarette and a cup of coffee and take the Fifth Amendment. Then they sent me to radio school, but pulled me out of there a week later, sent me to pitches to become an officer candidate and then told me I wasn't even cleared for re-enlistment. 
What if I wanted to run for office.

Here's a question : What if David Duke, a convicted felon and straight up thought criminal (I detest his world view if I need to state that) what if he wins the Republican primary for United States Senator from Louisiana and gets elected. Would he be allowed to sit in on those secret Executive Session briefings of the United States Congress? Was Senator Sanders given permission by the FBI to be privy to secrets of State, and therefore function like a full member of The Club?

It's known that Trump is such a tea totaled that like a Mormon, he won't even touch tea or coffee. He does, however have a sweet tooth for women with exotic accents and he often engages his jawbone prior to switchinges on his mind.

Given the FBI gets to approve or reject candidates for sensitive office. Like when Military Intelligence disqualified me for radio school or Army re-enlistment due to my thoughts and non criminal associations.

See where I'm going with this?

What if the people chose a leader who didn't have the trust of the "Intelligence Community"? Could they disqualify the choice of the people? 

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